2023-2024 Rep A Coach Selection, News (South Oxford Minor Hockey)

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Mar 26, 2023 | Tracy Whelan | 2465 views
2023-2024 Rep A Coach Selection

Please join us in congratulating the successful candidates for Rep A coach selection in our first season as South Oxford Minor Hockey:

Darren Swick U10A
Josh Kingsbury U11A
Greg Mitchell U12A
Adam Hunter U13A
Matt Heleniak U14A
Darryl Whittington U15A
Greg Franklin U16A
Tim Christo U18A
Ken Zegers U21A

Thank you all for your volunteering your time and dedication to these teams.

SOMH Board of Directors

Tillsonburg Hockey Moms
Tillsonburg Hockey Moms provides many different services and supplies for the players and this year will support both Tillsonburg Minor Hockey and South Oxford Minor Hockey. Including funding the first aid kits for all the teams.